Caroline Pyevich ~ Résumé
pyevich@gmail.com; (520) 305-5608
Solo Shows
2019 Pima County Main Library, Tucson, AZ
2016 Phelony Art Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2015 The Nook Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2014 Pita Jungle, Tucson and Phoenix AZ
2013 Borderlands, Tucson AZ
2012 Tasteful Kitchen, Tucson AZ
2009 The CoffeeHouse. “Three Spirits,” Tucson, AZ
2007 High Octane Gallery. Winnipeg MB Canada
2005 Wayne Arthur Gallery. “Adornado” Winnipeg, MB Canada
Gas Station Theatre. Winnipeg, MB Canada
Fusion. Winnipeg, MB Canada
2004 Tiger Hills Art Gallery. Holland, MB Canada
Café Carlo. Winnipeg, MB Canada
Hair F(x). Winnipeg, MB Canada
2003 Gas Station Theatre. “Break Through” Winnipeg, MB Canada
2002 Rainy River College. International Falls, MN
ArtsPlace. Grand Forks, ND
East Central University. Ada, OK
2001 Tulsa Performing Arts Center. “Reconstructions” Tulsa, OK
The Bowery. “Combinations” Tulsa, OK
2000 The Delaware Playhouse. “Abstractions” Tulsa, OK
Two-Person Exhibitions
2014 Pioneer Building, Tucson AZ: “Mysteries” (Juried)
2013 Aloft W Hotel. Tucson, AZ
2005 Salvation Army Ethics Centre. ”A Dance Beyond” Winnipeg, MB; Canada
2001 Tulsa Artists Coalition. Tulsa, OK: “Stains” (Installation)
2000 The Delaware Playhouse. Tulsa, OK: “Stains” (Installation)
1999 Boston Artists Gallery. Tulsa, OK: “Points of View”
Select Juried/Group Exhibitions
2015 The Arizona Opera, Phoenix, AZ
2015 The Art of Planetary Science. University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ
2015 Krikawa Gallery "Miracles and Milagros" Tucson, AZ
2007 Kaleidoscope: a Mosaic in Motion. The International Center of Winnipeg.
Gallery Oseredok. Ukrainian Cultural & Educational Cener. “Convergence.” Winnipeg, MB
2005 Manitoba Society of Artists 73rd Annual Juried Exhibition. Winnipeg, MB
2004 Label Gallery. The Women’s Show. Winnipeg, MB
2003 Birchwood Art Gallery. (featured artist). “Art & Jazz.” Winnipeg, MB
Assiniboine Conservatory. Winnipeg, MB
Manitoba Legislative Building: MSA New Members Exhibition. Winnipeg, MB
Manitoba Society of Artists 71st Annual Juried Art Exhibition. Winnipeg, MB
Mesa Contemporary Arts. “The Arizona Room.” Mesa, AZ
2002 Manitoba Society of Artists 70th Annual Juried Art Exhibition. Winnipeg, MB
2001 Oklahoma Small Works XI, East Central University. Ada, OK first place award
Tulsa International Mayfest. Tulsa, OK
Midcoast Fine Arts. Rock Island, IL
Living Arts Gallery. Tulsa, OK:“Emerging in Oklahoma”
2000 Alexandre Hogue Gallery. Tulsa, OK: “Goddess: Annual Women’s Show”
1999 Living Arts Gallery. Tulsa, OK: “Propositions” (Jul.) and “Fire and Ice-Part II” (Feb.)
Ph.D., The University of Tulsa, clinical psychology
B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, psychology and art
Prior Representation
Old Pueblo Frameworks and Gallery (Tucson, AZ)
Birchwood Art Gallery (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Rand’s Fine Art. (Tulsa, OK)
Vango Art (Online juried gallery)
Professional Activities
2003-05 The Manitoba Society of Artists (Membership; Committee for Juried Exhibition)
2002 Featured Artist at Assiniboine Conservatory. Winnipeg, MB
2001 Board of Directors. Living Arts Gallery, Tulsa, OK
2017 Cababi Art & Literary Magazine. Paintings featured in three consecutive annual issues
2015 "Heartfelt Expressions" Natural Awakening magazine. Full feature article.
2014 "Mysteries Three Tucson Artist Explore Color and Form" Tucson Weekly 10/18/2014
2005 “Forces from Within” Style Manitoba, Winter Issue.
CityTV news (Winnipeg, MB; October), coverage of “Adornado” solo show
A-Channel news (Winnipeg, MB; May), coverage of “A Dance Beyond” show
Perspective, Manitoba Society of Artists Newsletter (Winnipeg, MB, March & October issues)
2003 “Cracks in Pavement Provide Inspiration.” Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, MB)
Personal interview on 99.1 FM for “Art & Jazz” show, Nov. 15 (Winnipeg, MB)
2002 “RRCC Displays Abstract Art by Winnipeg Painter.” Falls Daily Journal (International Falls, MN).
“ARTSplace Harbors Artistic Treasure.” (photo and article). Grand Forks Herald.
2001 “Serbian Artist.” (photo and article). American Serbobran.
“Reconstructed Stains: Artist Caroline Pyevich.” (interview) Infinity Press (Tulsa, OK).
“Sketchbook.”(photo and article) Tulsa World.
“In the Gallery” (photo and promo). Intermission Magazine: Tulsa Performing Arts Center.
“Stains at the TAC.” (promo and review). Infinity Press (Tulsa, OK).
“Industrial Strength” (photo and promo). Urban Tulsa Weekly.
“Cultural tourism at work in historic cores of our downtown.” (photo only). NuVisions.
“Emerging Artists exhibit travels down the turnpike.” Tulsa World.